Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Temple

Your grand mystique splendor
Stone by masons cut in art to surrender
Columns so tall, into heavens they reached
The bastion of Gods they had breached.

Daily, on your temple steps I lay
Prostrate or in any shapes of the defining ways
Just to hear my Gods say
I have heard of what you pray
Each day forlorn and into a new dawn
I saw the temple doors open and close
But remained deficient of my spiritual dose.

I tried drugs and even smoked a pipe
Danced in rain and stood one legged in pain
The beggar in me fed beggars only to stagger
Why was I not drenched in your swagger.

In your serene courtyard hall
I saw humanity in awe and enthralled
I approached a legless soldier
Who seemed happiest of all
I asked him: Have you found God in this temple?
Can you share with me this heavenly sample?

The beaten creature smiled 

And to the stars he called
It’s in my heart the Gods call
Temple is just a place 

Where I come to dance and have a ball.

Oh you legless man
You showed me the stair case to heaven
Only my mind was still and heart was so barren
In a temple I may atone my sins
But the journey has to begin from within.

Note: The temple lies withing us. The temples that we go to may not really fulfill our ultimate dreams....The journey to the heaven can only start with knowing and accepting this fact or never....Another thought provoking poem of depth and content by MS Jaswal....Yes, the realization should come from within.......