Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Black Night

A dark night,
brightened up
with starry lights,
unhappiness gripping me
in a soft, strangling hold,
unshed tears shining bright.

My eyes stared back,
beautiful, bold and blank,
at the sophisticated people
who smiled, swilled and danced,
on the polished mirror like floor,
men eying me lustily over pretty heads.

It had just happened,
and my heart wrenched in pain,
I wanted a shoulder to cry on and on,
to share that I was cheated and torn,
raped in whole, body and mind and soul,
but in the gay crowd of drinks and dance,
not one person cared to notice my stance.

Sometimes we are so unhappy or ashamed at ourselves due to situations that we want to hide from people for a while....And sometimes, we just wish someone would notice us, understand us and just give us that hug which would help us to move on.