Tuesday, August 10, 2010


As drops of rain touch my face
I remember you with eternal grace
Was it so very long ago
Or was it only yesterday
That we had it all, and rolled in hay....

Parting was a pain
And did we really have to
Living was a shame
We both managed to pull through
The soul though never gave up the Elysian brew....

Priorities and obligations won
We gave each other up for others' fun
But our love we never did shun
Why else am I in your arms today
Even though you are many nautical miles away....

Your regular fortnightly mails I did fondly treasure
I cherished them as your love was beyond measure
As the years purposefully rolled by in their own pace
All we did was to survive the complicated kismet maze
Still hopes of a reunion remain ablaze until our unconditional love stays.....

Love clears the greatest tests and survives all battles of life, but if only it is true.....