Friday, January 29, 2010

It was no dream

I thought it was a dream
Because it was too good to be true
It had a lovely powerful sheen
The color of love in every hue.

The trust and the sheer faith
The cheer of my ever so special mate
The mind blowing crush during every date
All the way added its weight.

The laughter never stopped
Moods never flopped
Problems never cropped
And the boundaries never dropped.

Seconds were all it seemed
Every time that we beamed
In a jiffy passed the minutes
Love had laid its lovely hints.

Never a tear we knew
Or a heartbeat that flew
We lived and breathed bliss
Oh, how wonderful was love's kiss.

Suddenly, things changed
A morning came that it rained
I got a news that shattered
I knew nothing else mattered.

I learnt in pain, woe and and at ease
That my life's greatest tease
Which had seemed so long like a dream
Was a reality, only when it ceased.